

Early Years


Our intent at Broadmere Primary School is that children in our Early Years learn to thrive, aspire and achieve in all aspects of being curious learners in a safe, secure and challenging environment.

At Broadmere Primary School, the leaders adopt and construct an ambitious curriculum that is designed with the community at heart and may differ depending on cohort and intake.

The curriculum is coherently designed from children’s starting points.There is a sharp focus on developing phonological awareness and securing the Prime Area as the foundations of future learning. In Reception children will be ready to start their synthetic phonics journey, laying the foundations in Reading, securing the cornerstones for future learning.

All children will have access to a language rich and enabling environment that ensures all children acquire a balanced and extended range of vocabulary that leads towards effective and confident communication. In the Reception year children will have a secure knowledge of phonics where they can read simple words and sentences accurately. Our inclusive approach ensures equal opportunities for all learners, where their curriculum is designed ambitiously meeting their individual needs.


In our Nursery and Reception, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.  The curriculum consists of 7 areas of learning which are divided into Prime Areas (Communication and Language; Personal Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development) and Specific Areas (Literacy; Maths; Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design.

The Prime Areas are the focus in the Nursery where they form the crux of children’s play experiences, sparking curiosity, enthusiasm and building on relationships to thrive, aspire and achieve.

The specific areas sharpen children’s knowledge and skills through a balanced approach of play based and adult supported objectives. Children are immersed in practical, hands on learning where communication, language and vocabulary are at the heart of the curriculum.

Children experience a wide and balanced range of planned and incidental outdoor learning.

Parent engagement is encouraged by inviting parents/carers into our class and setting where they can experience how their children are learning. We aim to deliver a variety of workshops to our families as well as  sharing and celebrating children’s achievements.


Children are happy, confident learners, with the foundation skills embedded for the next stage of their learning.  All children are making progress from their starting points with a significant improvement using communication and language skills.  Children have developed a wide range of vocabulary that they can apply in a range of contexts.

Children have developed positive communication skills where they are aware of each other and how their actions can impact on each other.

Children show greater independence skills and most importantly children continue with a positive attitude towards learning as well as being ready moving to the next stage of their learning.

Curricular Goals NurseryCurricular Goals ReceptionNursery Curriculum Overview Reception Curriculum 




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